At TramwayCF we have a number of children who attend and we have a number of programmes to offer them which include our youth clubs for all ages on a Friday and Saturday. We also have "Sunday School" which we call "iYouth" during the main service on Sunday morning's which is well attended.
The local area surrounding TramwayCF also have a number of youth who see themselves as 'on road' and who struggle to find productive activities available to them locally other than football at the local park or basketball.
These youth don't want to be treated like little kids, and we know we can't treat them like adults... they are teenagers, a bundle of hormones and emotions making a transition from adolescence to adulthood. This world gives no opportunity for our kids to grow up slowly, it's a 'quick must have it right no w' society we live in, and our youth are taught to grow up so fast in an ever increasing malicious world. More than ever, parents are feeling the pressure to oversee and watch over, but not quarantine their teenager children, as they are still, children after all.
They are not 'of age' yet even though they may think they are and while young, they remain the responsibility of their parents/guardians. Even when they reach 18, our teenagers need solid, loving, caring role models. At any age, they need the truth.
There is good news! TramwayCF through youth engagement, God's Word of truth and youth leaders who continue to show an example of how you can live a Godly life today, the hearts of the youth is enlightened and in every stage of their young lives, they are educated in the basics of respect, love, helping them to develop achievable goals and good, healthy habits, enabling them to live fruitful lives.
At TramwayCF we know God's Word is rich with practical values appropriate to situations and matters of today's life. Young people can learn at our youth sessions, and are taught how to think things through and develop foresight. They are shown the possible outcomes of their decisions they are considering or have considered. God's Word can be for them and is the light of truth for their feet and the lamp for their path.